Comes in 6” increments, combine multiple units for all your wine storage needs.
Comes in 2 heights and can work in your wall and base cabinets.
If using for upper cabinets combine with a Furniture Kick (FK) for Riser to take your cabinet to the ceiling. Available with any materials and comes in 5.5” x 96” x 0.75”
For a more traditional look can be used with a Trajan (E4-MAP) or Town Send Cornice (E6-MAP) Cornice. Can only be used with painted or stained options.
If using for Base cabinets will need to use a Kick Box Riser (KBR) for bottom, to purchase separately. Comes in lengths of 4.5” x 96” x 0.75”
Works with all our colour and finish options such as Flagstone and Rocky coast. Or mix it up and go transitional and choose a different finish option to your main cabinet colours.
If using as an end cabinet, ensure you order a Plant on gable (POG) to finish your cabinet end. Needs to be the height of your cabinet (Including any Riser or cornice)
If abuts a wall ensure you order a Filler (FIL) piece the height of your cabinet to the ceiling.